Friday, August 19, 2011

1st Trimester ~ Surprising Turn of Likes & Dislikes..

Being pregnant is something new to me and my dear husband. Currently, I am in the midst of my first trimester. From the beginning I was feeling quite healthy but once the hormones started to kick in, all types of fiasco kind of broke loose. By fiasco I meant the morning, afternoon and night sickness. ( >.< ) I guess every pregnancy is different for every women since when my sisters were pregnant, they either had brief morning OR night sickness but I got the whole package and it lasted for quite some time too. Huhu.. My mother said it might even stay up till my 6th month of pregnancy! Yikes!

Apart from the sickness and feeling like a limp veggie all day and night, my preferences for food and things to do had also changed mysteriously. I used to go gung ho on online shopping, but now? Nope, kind of hate it. Yup, it' true. ME, the non-stop shopper had abruptedly stopped shopping! My dear hubby is very very very happy about this change. Haha! I don't even like to go the shopping malls now. We go to shopping malls only if we had to especially for food or groceries. Sometimes my hubby goes alone because I don't feel like going through the throngs of people jostling about at the mall.

I also watch less and less tv except cooking shows and I also don't get hooked up on the internet as often as before. Weird, huh? My preferences for food had also changed somehow. I used to reaaaally like my food to be slightly on the sweet side, but now not so much. My cup of pre-mixed teh tarik now can be drank without additional sugar! I don't add sugar to my chicken soup anymore and I don't seem to crave for chocolates as much. I do notice that I kind of like roti canai a lot and aslo iced milk tea. Yum!

I now suddenly cannot stand the whiff of any kinds of perfume-y scents. All my favourite scents are unwearable as they kind of make me feel woozy and what smelled nice to me before now smelled quite bad. I can only stand a minimal amount of vanilla-ish scent or anything that smelled fresh. In the end I don't use any perfume at all. Since my hubby still uses them, he had to resort putting his perfume on outside of our room. Thank you, hubby!  Other than that, I also suddenly have this hate for makeup and lippies. I used to go crazy over lip balms but now I cannot stand the idea of putting them on my lips! Any hype or advertisement about makeup made me cringe and pull a face. I really really cannot stand the idea of it, it's that bad! So now, I don't wear any of my favourite lipbalms anymore and the lot had been sitting idly in my drawer serving no purpose (for the time being, I hope).

Anyway, likes and dislikes apart, I still cannot stomach a lot of food because almost everything makes me nauseous. I end up loosing quite a lot of weight because I tend to not eat a lot. I do much on dry biscuits and some sour tidbits to keep the nauseousness at bay but since it's a pregnancy hormone thing, it's still there. For the time being I'll just have to wing it and hope that this phase of sickness will fade away fast and that my tiny little baby in my tummy is growing healthily. Praying hard to Allah SWT that everything goes well for me and the baby. ( ^_^ )

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